Hilarious. But you left out the parts where Will Smith slaps Chris Rock, and Tom Cruise comes out of the closet.

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Oooh, fun fact just discovered on the Wikipedia entry for this movie:

>>On May 3, 2013, it was revealed that Korean-American singer Jay Park would be participating on the official soundtrack of the film in Korea, with a song titled "I Like 2 Party".<<

2good 2B ignored.

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Whaaat? This changes EVERYTHING!

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And look at what we missed out on:

>>In March 2018,[113] it was revealed that After Earth was intended to be the first installment of a new franchise. Pitched to the studio by Will Smith, the intention was to launch a multimedia franchise titled 1000 AE. Plans were originally for After Earth to be followed by a sequel, a live action television series, an animated television series, webisodes, mobisodes, a video game, consumer products, theme-park attractions, documentaries, comics, an educational program collaboration in partnership with NASA, cologne and perfume lines, and a social media platform. Though Smith wanted 1000 AE to be an immersive experience for the audience, the movie ultimately was poorly received and lost money at the box office. All plans for a continuation were abandoned.<<

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PHEW. Think how close we came to America switching to an all-After Earth economy.

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"I assume most people are like me and too lazy to put rubbing alcohol in their wiper fluid."

(record scratch)

Rubbing alcohol in their whaaaa? I come here for the funny, but I wasn't expecting to learn 1 weird trick as well.

Speaking of weird: The plot to this movie sound so much like that of "65" (only differences being that one is set in earth's dinosaur friendly past, and the crash landers are aliens who amazingly look exactly like humans, and the role of Will Smith is taken by Adam Driver, who can actually act) that I'm wondering if both were in development at the same time and one stole from the other, or vice versa.

Also, is Shamalamadingdong a full-on Scientologist, or is he just getting to know his thetans?

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Kirk Cameron peeling a banana could only have made this better.

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1) Chris Rock should have countered The Slap by slapping Smith back just for this.

2) This was a Shyamalana-ding-dong movie?


God, Scott, you could do an entire volume on Shyamalan! Or would that be gilding the lily?

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It would probably constitute bullying at this point. Still, he's going to get at least a chapter all to his own bad self.

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How do you manage to find these turkeys? And how come you haven't been invited to guest riff on Rifftrax? ¡No lo comprendo! :)

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