When Two Face from Batman was a Franco-Italian Stripper.
And now we know how Cindy Crawford came up with her Meaningful Beauty line.
<<can I say “guinea pig” when everyone in the film is Italian?>>
I usually substitute "Bissau long pork"
<<extremely tempting 72 minute version released on DVD, and the full, 105 minute European cut>>
And now we know where there Rolling Rock "33" comes from...
Holy shit! Math does not lie! How did QAnon miss THIS numerology connection?? It's UNDEBUNKABLE!
I was very disappointed that there were no vampires and nothing about the atomic age in this movie.
On the other hand, I appreciate Obamacare more than I did before.
With this movie, disappointment is a pre-existing condition.
And now we know how Cindy Crawford came up with her Meaningful Beauty line.
<<can I say “guinea pig” when everyone in the film is Italian?>>
I usually substitute "Bissau long pork"
<<extremely tempting 72 minute version released on DVD, and the full, 105 minute European cut>>
And now we know where there Rolling Rock "33" comes from...
Holy shit! Math does not lie! How did QAnon miss THIS numerology connection?? It's UNDEBUNKABLE!
I was very disappointed that there were no vampires and nothing about the atomic age in this movie.
On the other hand, I appreciate Obamacare more than I did before.
With this movie, disappointment is a pre-existing condition.