Love the grumpy elf in the background with Richard O'Brien. They should have given O'Brien the lead role! He has more presence in that screen shot than Jeremy Irons with his purple lipstick does in his.
Couldn't agree more. He was by far the best--in fact, the only good--thing in the movie. I should work up a piece on Horrible Movies That Become Great For The Length Of A Cameo Performance.
I’m glad to find out that I missed nothing by never playing D&D. Or knowing anyone who did. Very funny review but the whole concept (and the movie version) sounds like absolute dreck.
It feels like one of those movies where the *filmmakers* clearly thought it was dreck. But you know what they say...there's a reason "dreck" rhymes with "paycheck".
OK, so, can we finally admit: Jeremy Irons in a dragon film means it's gonna shit?
Dino-sized shit.
Love the grumpy elf in the background with Richard O'Brien. They should have given O'Brien the lead role! He has more presence in that screen shot than Jeremy Irons with his purple lipstick does in his.
Couldn't agree more. He was by far the best--in fact, the only good--thing in the movie. I should work up a piece on Horrible Movies That Become Great For The Length Of A Cameo Performance.
I’m glad to find out that I missed nothing by never playing D&D. Or knowing anyone who did. Very funny review but the whole concept (and the movie version) sounds like absolute dreck.
It feels like one of those movies where the *filmmakers* clearly thought it was dreck. But you know what they say...there's a reason "dreck" rhymes with "paycheck".
<<mythical reptiles that I'm guessing operate a Tae Kwan Do studio.>>
Cobra Kai would like a word...
Oh yeah? Well I've got THREE words for Cobra Kai:
"Stop me if you’ve played this D&D module before. And if you have, what was it like being a virgin all through college?"
HEY!!! Some of us were late bloomers.
I'm sorry it took you so long to discover how fetching you look in bloomers.
Victoria's Secret got nothin' on me.