Superb, Scott, but since I had almost forgotten watching this turkey years ago, you’ve triggered my PTSD (Previous TV Streaming Dysphoria).

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Yikes! Sorry Doc! After recently renewing my acquaintance with this movie, I wouldn't wish that on anyone, let alone a friend. (Okay, I might wish it on Elon Musk, but he's so far gone down the narcissism flume that he probably identifies with Sam's character. ("Why don't they LISTEN to him?! He's clearly got a VISION! For the FUTURE! [of hell]. I mean C'MON! Pick up a sink and HELP him!")

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I believe there are still horror aficionados who insist this movie was a classic. But I'll take your word for it. I think I read once that this would have earned an X rating if they hadn't toned down the gore.

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Event Horizon was rushed into theaters when it became clear TITANIC was going to be delayed. The change of schedule was accompanied by a lot of studio interference and re-editing, so I can easily believe this wasn't the film the director wanted to make, but if there's a classic somewhere underneath all that, it's buried deep.

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Buried deep beyond…The Event Horizon!

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Oh, man. I'd slit my wrists, too, if I had to watch The Piano again!

It's as bad as that horrible French film that I can't believe we sat through, waiting for something to happen.

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OK, OK, OK, hear me out....what if....

What if "Event Horizon" was the prequel to "The Matrix" series?

AHAH! Didn't think of THAT, didja, Clevenger?

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Look, I got my problems with the Wachowskis (lookin' at YOU, Jupiter Ascending), but that feels...libelous.

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<<underneath the Mariah Carey song>>

I fell in love with you over writing like this, just saying.

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Why argue over 1 vs 4.5? Don't you get your klicks on Route 66?

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To be fair, there's probably nowhere in the universe that more closely resembles Neptune than Kingman, AZ. (To get a good match for Uranus, however, you gotta go to San Bernardino.)

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And THAT is why I never taunt black holes.

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"... but it’s apparently just an audience member from the movie’s test screening ..."

:D :D :D

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