I feel like Postman might be a better movie than Civil War, if only because C.W. is way, way too timely and therefore lacks the necessary time-space to give actual perspective. C.W. is telling us what to look at, whereas a shit show like the Postman allows the viewer to decide in retrospect what's important because of scenes the director might have shoveled in subconsciously or unintentionally. C.W. just seems like the thief is in the house, and when you discover him he stays "oh, well, it was time for it, your life wasn't going so well anyways right?"

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I just watched WATERWORLD for the first time about a week ago. It is a comical film; the first half isn't too bad, before it gets overtaken by Costner's sense of himself as Mythic Hero. It is... astonishing, just short of outrageous. Dennis Hopper is always good though, even when he's just phoning it in for a paycheck. There might be a reason why serious actors prefer to play villains.

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As an actor I can assure you, the rules for playing a villain are much more fun than the rules for playing a hero.

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In Oregon people love this movie (OK, not love) because they filmed a bunch of it here.

And Tom Petty was in it.

For some reason my mind cannot separate Waterworld and The Postman. They merge together and form one five hour block of my life that I'll never get back. Or is that an 8 hour block?

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Oregon's definitely the best character in the movie. As for the permeability of Waterworld and the Postman, I have to agree. I've tried desperately to forget them both, and yet will still sometimes bolt upright in the bed and confuse my wife by saying, "Wait, which one did he drink his pee?"

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Ha! totally.

I just looked, they were only two years apart. How do you make these two "epics" that close together!!??

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I dunno, but John Boorman came awfully close by making ZARDOZ, then immediately following it up with EXORCISE II: THE HERETIC (both covered elsewhere here on the site).

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I’ll look for it. Just found your page today. Love the title, and I actually love (like) a lot of bad movies.

Just watched The Beekeeper all the way through..

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Welcome! Hope you enjoy the stuff.

Coincidentally, a friend just challenged (actually begged) me to do The Beekeeper, so I guess I've got THAT hanging over my head now.

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Thanks, appreciate it.

I second the Beekeeper as a subject.

I didn’t read the description of the movie and thought, hey, that looks like a nice little movie.

Whoa, it was not either of those things.

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As an old postman I can only say “Yes! Thats how it was in the good old apocalyptic days” - we’ll never get them back, though. I guess, because of negative reviews. But we still have a focus on delivering The Message.

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Thanks for your service. I've always been impressed how nothing stops you guys--neither rain, nor snow, nor sleet, nor narrative incoherence.

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Thanks - I was a postman for a total of 2 months in the summer, and I got stopped by a lot of things, such as a flat tire on the bicycle (we didn’t have any mules), mad dogs, angry mail receivers, and noisy neighbours preventing me from sleeping before getting up much too early to deliver the mail.

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Yikes. I can see how might be tempted to veer off that particular career path.

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Kevin trades his gills for a duster, minor script changes handled by interns, Petty filling in for Hopper, pretty weak. Overall just as crappy as Water World but less cash hemorrhaging

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True. This one failed, and it failed HARD, but at least--unlike Waterworld--it didn't run up a $250 million tab along the way.

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>>heart-swelling moment when The Postman mounts his horse one last time<<

This got three dicks up on PornHub

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<<forces Kevin to recite some Shakespeare for the group, which immediately inspires them to send him on a suicide mission>>

Wouldn't you? I mean, just so he never speaks in iambic again?

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<<my film school education included a minor in “Would-Be Post-Apocalyptic Epics by Actor-Director Kevin Costner”>>

My gut course was "The Comedies of Leni Riefenstahl"

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This reminds of that gag in AIRPLANE!, where Julie Hagerty's flight attendant is handing out magazines and an old woman asks for some light reading. Julie says, "How about this pamphlet, 'Great Jewish Sports Legends'?"

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I would have gone with "Everything Men Know About Women but that's just me

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Didn't bother seeing this, assumed it was a typical Hollywood treatment of Il Postino

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“The Postman” could’ve been worse. It could’ve been a post apocalyptic movie about a blind Black guy with a braille Bible who kills without seeing.

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I guess...Yeah?


It could. And it could've?

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Don’t say you don’t know “The Book of Eli,” that 2010 Denzel Washington vehicle he drove to the outer edge of a career.

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I’ve heard of it, but somehow dodged it. Professionally speaking, at least, sounds like I might’ve shot myself in the foot.

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Keep dodging it. It's just really bad, and I say this as a bad post-apocalyptic movie aficionado.

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And yet, he still managed to give a good performance, despite being paired up with Mila Kunis for most of the film.

I swear, I kept waiting for her husband....Justin Bieber, I wanna say...to pop up and say "YOU BEEN PUNK'D!"

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Every post-apocalypse needs some eye candy.

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Indeed. Thus the post-apocalyptic prevalence of fur bikinis.

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I just the trailer for the latest Planet of the Apes (“Apres Apes, Le Deluge”) and apparently all future humans are women in fur bikinis, running away in terror from monkeys on horses and Parisian haute couture.

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The book... didn't suck. I started to watch the movie. That lasted 12 minutes. I saw my brother-in-law a couple of years later and he mentioned that he'd seen it tonight before.

" That garbage piece of shit? " I laughed. " I could handle about 12 minutes of that nonsense,"

He paused for a minute, then told me that he loved the movie. It was the best film he'd seen in a long time. He was planning on buying the DVD.

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Oh so HE'S the guy who bought it.

I've heard good things about the book before, but I wondered if it just looked better by comparison to the film. I should probably give it a chance.

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David Brin is a damn good SF writer, but this was one of his lesser works (or maybe the movie ruined the book for me)

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The only movie that ever ruined a book for me was, oddly, The Bridges of Madison County. The novel is so hilariously inept that I couldn't resist digging into it every now and then, mining for particularly apposite nuggets of aphasia. Then Clint Eastwood made a perfectly competent adaptation, replacing the bruise-purple prose with terse dialogue and serviceable imagery, and achieving a decidedly mid-level rom-dram. But after seeing the characters (Eastwood and Meryl Streep) pitch doomed middle-aged woo, going back and laughing at their literary inspirations began to feel like bullying.

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