<<Johnny, being no smarter than anyone else in this film, slaps on the shaving lotion, causing the Devil Bat to attack Jimmy Olsen.>>
I may be wrong but this seems like a plot hole. The bat is supposed to kill the wearer....unless he was just annoyed at One Shot (who by the way seems to me should have been carrying the gat).
"He also allows Johnny to carry a gun, declare martial law, and suspend the Constitution at will."
So, Trump used to go under the name Johnny, then? :)
There's a guy who deserves to be buried in bat guano!
<<Johnny, being no smarter than anyone else in this film, slaps on the shaving lotion, causing the Devil Bat to attack Jimmy Olsen.>>
I may be wrong but this seems like a plot hole. The bat is supposed to kill the wearer....unless he was just annoyed at One Shot (who by the way seems to me should have been carrying the gat).
A plot hole? In a movie by Jean Yarborough, director of Freckles Comes Home and America's Safest Tire?? Impossible!
OK, now you're just pulling my leg...
Ohhhh would that I were.
<<“glandular stimulation through electrical impulses,” leading the viewer to conclude that Bela has just invented a vibrating novelty item>>
Dammit, Clevenger! You could leave a few hanging curveballs!
I stand abashed.
Kaaren, is Karen on steroids:
" I don't want to speak with a manager, I want to speak to God!"
Wow, right to the top. Usually she's content to speak to the Maanager.