"Yonda lies da fetus of my fodder"?

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I liked Tony, and the fact that he died without ever living down The Black Shield of Falworth made me like him even more.

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Doubly so that he never actually said it:


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I confess, I didn't have Tony Curtis Outs Debbie Reynolds as Secret Anti-Semite! on my Bingo card

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<<But she just grabs her neck and utters a piercing shriek, which is also what I tend to do when I first get out of bed in the morning.>>

So the Manitou is just arthritis by another name?

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Actually, it kinda sounds like an arthritis medication. "Ask your Doctor if Manitou is right for you." Rhymes and everything.

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Needs a jingle

Manitou, Manitou, for whatever ails you. Susan Strasberg shakes her boobs, and you feel (something something) better too.

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You're right! Hmmm...

Okay, I got it. The theme from XANADU

Now open your eyes and reflect

On the list of side effects

You are on Manitou

(A hit of it we offer you)

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<<he’s indirectly responsible for Lee Strasberg’s Method-acting daughter having to summon up sense memories of toasting a lighter-than-air witch doctor with her finger phasers.>>

She called it "Pouring Dad a drink" in class.

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Hilarious review. I’m not sure who would be more disturbed by this movie: Phyllis Schlafly or Planned Parenthood.

Two snaps up.

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