I always considered Robert Vincent O'Neil (not that I considered him MUCH) more of a screenwriter than a director--his best or at least best-known script is probably ANGEL, which is a foundational piece of Eighties sleaze ("High School Honor Student by Day...Hollywood Hooker by Night!"). But hey, he could always brag about working in the Art Department on EASY RIDER.
The frozen men without brains- you mean like JD Vance?
Friends prequel?
Worse! It's Joe E. Ross.
<<Random shots of chess pieces, bikini bottoms, and maple syrup increase the confusion.>>
I cannot lie. I attended that party in the Topanga.
Banga banga banga
I don't wanna leave Topanga
Oh no no no no no
Banga Banga happened often in Elysium...
Or so I've been told. By friends. Multiple friends.
This film could only have benefited from the involvement of Tom Hagen. Or Haagen Daaz.
That "random shots raising tension" certainly does speak to the skill of the director. :D Very good.
I always considered Robert Vincent O'Neil (not that I considered him MUCH) more of a screenwriter than a director--his best or at least best-known script is probably ANGEL, which is a foundational piece of Eighties sleaze ("High School Honor Student by Day...Hollywood Hooker by Night!"). But hey, he could always brag about working in the Art Department on EASY RIDER.