Mar 26Liked by Scott Clevenger

haha I think I have no choice but to watch this now

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Jun 3, 2023Liked by Scott Clevenger

Hilarious. Exactly as I remember it, except that you have finally made sense of it to me. Sort of.

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And it only took me 49 years.

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Jun 4, 2023Liked by Scott Clevenger

All good things come to those who wait.

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Thanks, Scott. I had forgotten so much of this film and you've now reminded me of the entire movie, shot by shot.

What's your address? I want to...give you something. NOTE: It's not a penis, because that's baaaaaaad!

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So the Screaming Santa Head Hot-Pants Men are Door Dash drivers now?

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I work for Uber Eats!

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Uber not only Eats, it Sucks AND it Blows.

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Those cost extra.

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"Zardoz confesses he’s a “fake god” with a “fake mustache,” "

Well, crap....here I thought he was Victor Buono escaped from Arkham...

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"Dual Cranium Craze at the very last second."

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy would like a word....

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Hm. But maybe it was the other way around...! The first, radio play version of Hitchhiker's Guide came out in 1978, I think, but two-headed dudes were running riot around Low Budget America while Nixon was still President!

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Am I mistaken or is this "Better Living Through Bad *Movies*"?

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