My favorite part of the whole Disney Concert Hall saga was when it was finally finished and revealed to the world. Turned out Frank didn't really think ahead, because the stainless steel panels were so reflective they blinded motorists and pedestrians just trying to pass by that monstrosity, so they had to attack it with an army of emory grinding wheels to rough it all up. It was a workable, if inelegant solution, but I wish they'd gone the extra mile and given it the hammered aluminum look of a Stewart Warner dashboard.
This was pretty crappy, one of the few Woody Harrelson movies I couldn't find something to like. I went in looking for something along the lines of an early eighties piece like BODY HEAT, with some straight up soft porn and hard core murder. LA and Vegas can't match sutherryn humidity and the sweat of illicit passion
Bottom line, she made the wrong choice in the end.
Redford spent a million to have sex with her.
Woody spent a million to be the Sally Struthers of hippos.
<<But we’re more impressed by the fact that Robert has spent 24 million dollars on sex!>>
It took $44 BILLION for Musk to blow his wad.
Well, you know…Inflation. Plus, sex got pricey during the pandemic due to supply chain issues.
She was NOT inflatable! You know damned well she was memory foam!
Oh. You meant Musk...
<<Eventually he gets a job teaching bitter architecture>>
Y'know, I always wondered who designed the Walt Disney Concert Hall.
My favorite part of the whole Disney Concert Hall saga was when it was finally finished and revealed to the world. Turned out Frank didn't really think ahead, because the stainless steel panels were so reflective they blinded motorists and pedestrians just trying to pass by that monstrosity, so they had to attack it with an army of emory grinding wheels to rough it all up. It was a workable, if inelegant solution, but I wish they'd gone the extra mile and given it the hammered aluminum look of a Stewart Warner dashboard.
This was pretty crappy, one of the few Woody Harrelson movies I couldn't find something to like. I went in looking for something along the lines of an early eighties piece like BODY HEAT, with some straight up soft porn and hard core murder. LA and Vegas can't match sutherryn humidity and the sweat of illicit passion
Agreed. It was an exhausting exercise in bloodless anti-passion.
<<the wieners of romance can no longer be roasted at love’s fire pit>>
Ah, the deluxe package at Plato's Retreat!
Needs an IF/THEN
You need to capitalize AND.
Henry Mullish would be disappointed.